Candidates running for office and elected political party committeepersons are prohibited from serving as election judges. Registered sex offenders in Illinois and every other state are not eligible to serve as election judges.
State law requires local party officials — township committeepersons who represent the Democratic and Republican parties — appoint and place election judges.
Upon receiving your application, the Clerk’s office will forward the information to your party’s local township committeepersons, who will then contact you. The Clerk’s office will fill any open positions 45 days before an election.
State law requires that election judges represent either the Democratic or Republican party on Election Day. Five election judges are assigned to a precinct or polling place. Previous precinct election results determine if more Democratic or Republican judges serve in a precinct.
Election judges are expected to serve in all elections (usually three) within a two-year term. At the end of the two years, all election judges must be re-commissioned by the committeepersons for another term.