(309) 547-3041
Dear Voter,
I am pleased to provide information about the Application for Ballot by Mail Program which helps voters who prefer to receive their ballots by mail in all or most elections.
Completing and mailing the enrollment application for the program automatically causes you to receive a ballot for the elections that you designate. This is not a request to vote by mail in one election only. Enrollment in the program remains in effect until you provide notification to cancel or your voter registration becomes inactive.
To enroll, you must be a registered voter in Fulton County, Illinois. You must complete and mail the form below to the County Clerk’s office.
Please select whether to receive a ballot for all elections or only elections that do not require a party designation. If you have any questions, please contact the Elections Department at (309) 547-3041 ext 119 or 120 or email our office at kmayberry@fultoncountyilelections.gov or kshaeffer@fultoncountyilelections.gov.
To print form and fill out by hand, please click here.
(309) 547-3041